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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 12 more

2024 Mid-year Update on Internal Displacement

The trends that led to record levels of internally displaced people (IDPs) at the end of 2023 continued into the first half of 2024, in some cases, already setting new records. Conflict in Sudan, Ukraine and the…

News and Press Release
27 Aug 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Défenseur·es des droits humains en première ligne - Rétrécissement de l’espace de la société civile et espoirs déçus pour la protection des défenseur·es en République démocratique du Congo

RDC : Désillusion et inquiétude pour les défenseur·es des droits humains et la société civile Suite à l’accession à un second mandat du président Félix Tshisekedi fin décembre 2023 et malgré les promesses faites depuis le début…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Human Rights Defenders on the Front Line - Shrinking space for civil society and frustrated hopes for the protection of defenders in the Democratic Republic of Congo

DRC: Disillusion and concern for human rights defenders and civil society Following President Félix Tshisekedi’s accession to a second term of office at the end of December 2023, and despite the promises made since the start of…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo | Rapport de l’atelier JIAF 2.0 du cluster protection | 2 au 4 juillet 2024

Le Cluster protection en République démocratique du Congo joue un rôle crucial pour assurer la sécurité et le bien être des populations vulnérables dans les crises humanitaires. Pour améliorer l'efficacité de la planification de l'intervention humanitaire,…

News and Press Release
Protection Cluster, UNHCR
27 Aug 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Vaccinating a child is an act of love: Combatting measles in DR Congo

MSF has vaccinated more than 70,000 children in the country's remote eastern region of Maniema. In the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams vaccinated 70,000 children against measles during a…

News and Press Release
26 Aug 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 6 more

Mpox global strategic preparedness and response plan, August 2024

Global strategic preparedness and response plan launched by WHO to contain mpox outbreak The World Health Organization (WHO) today launched a global Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to stop outbreaks of human-to-human transmission of mpox through coordinated…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 12 more

Cholera in the WHO African Region, Monthly Regional Cholera Bulletin: July 2024

Situation update Overview The cholera outbreak in the WHO African Region in 2024 has affected 14 countries (Burundi, Cameroon, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia…

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