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Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Displacement (as of 28 Aug 2009) - Location Map

28 Aug 2009 - In the past three weeks, attacks by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) have displaced at least 125,000 people in Haut-Uélé. LRA rebels have also reportedly killed some 1,270 people and abducted 655 children in Orientale…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Displacement (as of 07 Aug 2009) - Location Map

7 Aug 2009 - The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has displaced some 12,500 people in the Orientale Province in the past month. Since September 2007, the LRA has displaced more than 226,000 in Haut-Uélé and another 42,000 in Bas-Uélé.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Displacement (as of 24 Jul 2009) - Location Map

24 Jul 2009 - The latest displacement in South Kivu brings the total of those who have fled clashes between government forces and Rwandan rebels since Jan 2009 to 536,000. Some 19,000 IDPs from Lemera and Mulenge remain in…

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