Cartes / Infographies

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Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo - Situation du choléra au 18 mai 2012

En moins de 5 mois, le nombre de cas de choléra a dépassé 67% du total enregistré en 2011 L’épidémie de choléra en 2012 progresse plus rapidement qu’en 2011 malgré les retombées positives de la réponse dans…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo: A multi-faceted humanitarian crisis (as of 30 March 2012) [EN/FR]

The DRC humanitarian crisis remains one of the world’s most complex and protracted emergencies. With 1.8 million IDPs, deadly outbreaks of preventable diseases, grinding poverty, persisting insecurity and poor access, a large-scale humanitarian response is still needed. US$718…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Cholera: Situation in the WHO African Region

A total of 10 691 cases and 179 deaths (CFR: 1.7%) reported from 13 countries as of 29 February 2012. Highlight Between January and February 2012, a cumulative total of 10 691 cases and 178 deaths were reported…

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