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Democratic Republic of the Congo

La Banque mondiale salue un engagement croissant en RDC

KINSHASA, le 7 juin, 2022— Le directeur de la stratégie et des opérations de la Banque mondiale pour l'Afrique de l’Est et australe, Humberto Lopez, a conclu une visite de deux jours en République démocratique du…

News and Press Release
World Bank
8 Jun 2022

Democratic Republic of the Congo

World Bank Commends Deepening Engagement in DRC

KINSHASA, June 7, 2022—The World Bank's Director of Strategy and Operations for Eastern and Southern Africa, Humberto Lopez, has concluded a two-day visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) during which he and the Country…

News and Press Release
World Bank
8 Jun 2022

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

DRC: Thousands of people displaced by violence in North Kivu in recent weeks

Food distribution and additional assistance is urgently required to prevent further deterioration of people’s health Violent clashes between the M23 armed group and the Congolese army (known by the French acronym FARDC) in the territories of Rutshuru…

News and Press Release
7 Jun 2022

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo : Note d’informations humanitaires pour la province de l’Ituri, 6 juin 2022

FAITS SAILLANTS Plus de 91 650 personnes déplacées en insécurité alimentaire à Fataki et Lita Les civils, premières victimes de l’insécurité dans les territoires de Djugu et Irumu APERÇU DE LA SITUATION Les attaques armées contre les populations civiles se…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNICEF DRC Ebola Situation Report #6 for 26 May - 01 June 2022

Highlights • 14,168 kg of WASH-IPC materials have arrived, including buckets, soap, and hygiene materials. • 100 per cent of the 358 healthcare workers have been trained on setting up triage, isolation and different chlorine solution preparation for…

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