
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Assistance by UN Trust Fund for Human Security to the project "Integrated Community Empowerment and Peace-Building Support Project in Ituri" in DR Congo

1. On the 4th of August(Monday), the Government of Japan and the United Nations (UN) decided to extend assistance totalling 5,162,305.62 US dollars (approximately 583.34 million yen), through the Trust Fund for Human Security to a project entitled 'Integrated…

News and Press Release
Govt. Japan
4 Aug 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Mozambique: Joint Assessment Mission for the food assistance to the Marratane Refugee Camp

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) to the Marratane Refugees Camp in Nampula, Northern Mozambique, was conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Refugiados (INAR), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and World Food Programme (WFP) from…

Govt. Mozambique, UNHCR, WFP
1 Aug 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Situation humanitaire en RDC - Semaine du 14 au 18 juillet 2008

Points saillants : - Nord-Kivu : MSF-B suspend temporairement ses activités sur Masisi. A quelques semaines d'intervalle, les équipes de MSF-B, pourtant à bord de véhicules parfaitement identifiables, viennent de subir deux braquages sur la route par des hommes armés.…

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