
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

Humanitarian Action in Southern Sudan Report, week 11, 09 - 15 Mar 2009

SUMMARY/HIGHLIGHTS - Pibor fighting kills 453 and displaces 5,000 people - Malakal update - Humanitarian situation worsens due to LRA attacks I. FOCUS ON SECURITY AND HUMANITARIAN ACCESS - Pibor fighting: Intense fighting between two tribes in Le-Kuangole Payam, Pibor County, Jonglei State from 5th…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Aide humanitaire : la Commission européenne accorde 45 millions d'euros à la RDC

Par Véron-Clément Kongo Plus de 350.000 personnes, contraintes de fuir leurs maisons à cause du conflit à l'Est de la RDC, vont bénéficier d'une aide humanitaire de 45 millions d'euros. Financé par la Commission européenne, ce fonds, issu de son…

News and Press Release
Le Potentiel
10 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

Humanitarian Action in Southern Sudan Report, week 10, 02 - 08 Mar 2009

SUMMARY/HIGHLIGHTS - Tribal fighting in Pibor, Jonglei State causes 100 casualties, 150 wounded and scores abducted, say GoSS Authorities. - Expulsion of NGOs from the North has minimal effect on the South so far, NGO Secretariat. - General situation normalizing in…

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