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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Civilians caught in conflict in east of country

02-07-2012 Operational Update Since the beginning of May, the security situation in the Kivus has been deteriorating on many fronts. In Rutshuru territory, in eastern North Kivu, local people have massively fled the fighting. See below video…

News and Press Release
2 Jul 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo

ECHO Factsheet The Democratic Republic of the Congo

HUMANITARIAN SITUATION The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is one of the poorest countries in the world. Despite abundant resources and a general degree of political stability in recent years, it is ranked bottom of the…

News and Press Release
2 Jul 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Housing for Military Families Aims to Stabilize South Kivu in DRC

Two camps designed and built by IOM to house 1,038 military personnel and their families have been inaugurated in South Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The inauguration of US$ 11 million Dutch-funded project was…

News and Press Release
2 Jul 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Nord Kivu : Rapport humanitaire mensuel - Juin 2012

FAITS MARQUANTS Situation humanitaire : 24 000 personnes déplacées rapportées au mois de juin 2012 Affrontements dans les Territoires de Rutshuru, Masisi et Walikale avec des atteintes à la vie et à l’intégrité physique Continuation de l’aide humanitaire malgré…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Action humanitaire au Sud- Kivu / R. D. Congo - Rapport mensuel, Mai 2012

Faits marquants La communauté humanitaire se mobilise face à la crise humanitaire de l'axe Kalehe-Minova. Les contraintes sécuritaires entravent le bon déroulement des activités humanitaires sur l'axe Bunyakiri-Hombo. Certaines organisations humanitaires reviennent travailler dans les Hauts Plateaux d'Uvira.

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