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Democratic Republic of the Congo

L’ONG Gaprof et la lutte contre les violences sexuelles à Mbandaka

Ecouter Le Groupe d’action pour la promotion de la femme (Gaprof) est une organisation non gouvernementale basée à Mbandaka (Equateur). Cette ONG réalise des projets dans le domaine de la lutte contre les violences sexuelles depuis sa…

News and Press Release
Radio Okapi
2 Nov 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 4 more

Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Refugees in the Great Lakes Region (ECHO/COD/BUD/2013/91000) Last update: 29/10/2012 Version 1

The activities proposed hereinafter are subject to the adoption of financing decision ECHO/WWD/ BUD/2013/01000 BACKGROUND Despite its abundant natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was ranked last in the world in the Human Development Index…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

PARSAR Aims to Strengthen Food Security and Cut Poverty in the DRC

The agricultural and rural sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has significant growth margins and occupies a prominent place in the economy. However, the dilapidation of rural infrastructure and poor governmental support services is…

News and Press Release
1 Nov 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Pooled Fund - Fighting cholera, a real, fulltime job

Cholera is endemic in South Kivu, an epidemic a few months ago cost 40 lives. A massive US$ 445,000 project in the city of Bukavu provides 85,000 persons with quality drinking water. The project was financed…

News and Press Release
31 Oct 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 4 more

Plan de mise en oeuvre humanitaire (HIP) : République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et réfugiés dans la région des Grands Lacs (ECHO/COD/BUD/2013/91000)

Les activités proposées ci-après sont subordonnées à l’adoption de la décision de financement ECHO/WWD/BUD/2013/01000 CONTEXTE En dépit de ressources naturelles abondantes, la RDC occupait en 2011 la dernière place du classement mondial établi sur la base de l’indice…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Examining the role of WASH services within peace- and state- building processes: findings from Tearfund programmes in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of South Sudan

This research focuses on Tearfund’s water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions implemented through the ‘Capacity Building to Improve Humanitarian Action in the Water Sanitation and Hygiene’ programme, funded by DFID’s Conflict, Humanitarian and Security Department…

31 Oct 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 8 more

Humanitarian Bulletin Eastern Africa, Issue 17, 16-29 October 2012

HIGHLIGHTS Localized heavy rain showers impact Somalia and Kenya Food security in the region has improved as harvests start to reach the markets DRC Crisis: more than 772,450 people have been displaced in North Kivu since January 2009 Ethiopia: number…

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