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Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo : les déplacés du Nord-Kivu à nouveau dans la tourmente

Autour de Goma, plus de 100 000 personnes vivent dans des conditions extrêmement précaires. Depuis mi-novembre une nouvelle vague de déplacement massif a fait suite aux affrontements entre les forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) et…

News and Press Release
14 Dec 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNICEF Democratic Republic of the Congo – Flash Report # 12

HIGHLIGHTS According to OCHA, over 900,000 people are currently displaced in North Kivu; an estimated 500,000 of these have been displaced since the FARDC-M23 conflict began in April. The measles vaccination campaign in camps in and around Goma…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

North Kivu Situation Report No. 17, 11 December 2012

HIGHLIGHTS/ KEY PRIORITIES -Over 900,000 people are currently living as displaced in North Kivu; an estimated 500,000 have been displaced since the FARDC-M23 crisis began in April -WFP wraps up food distribution for 160,000 IDPs, more food on the…

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