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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 24 May 2023

DRC A spike in gender-based violence was reported in North Kivu, with a 37% increase in cases during the first quarter of 2023. Sexual violence has increased significantly in IDP sites hosting people displaced by violence involving…

News and Press Release
24 May 2023

Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNICEF DRC Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1 (Intercommunal conflict in Djugu & Mahagi territories, Ituri province): 01 January - 30 April 2023

Highlights The conflict in Ituri has persisted since 2017 but the situation deteriorated considerably since the start of 2023 in Djugu and Mahagi with militants targeting civilians, schools and hospitals. In the past 6 months, militants have killed…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DRC: Flood, Sud Kivu/Kalehe - DREF Operation, n° MDRCD040

What happened, where and when? The rainy season in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is characterized by heavy rainfall, strong winds, flooding and landslides across several part of the country since October 2022. After the severe wave…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo Flash Update #3 : Des inondations provoquées par des fortes pluies dans le territoire de Kalehe au Sud-Kivu (18 mai 2023)

FAITS SAILLANTS 428 personnes décédées à la suite des inondations Environ 3 800 familles assistées en articles ménagers essentiels et eau, hygiène et assainissement à Bushushu et Nyamukubi Poursuite de la recherche et gestion des dépouilles Renforcement de la coordination…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 4 more

Emergency Grant Aid for refugees in the Great Lakes region

On May 16, the Government of Japan decided to provide Emergency Grant Aid of USD 2 million as support to refugees in the Great Lakes region. 1. Since around February in 2022, humanitarian situation has deteriorated…

News and Press Release
Govt. Japan
17 May 2023

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