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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 24 more

Africa: Hunger Crisis - Revised Emergency Appeal №: MGR60001

Situation Overview The effects of the ongoing food insecurity crisis in Africa are severe and have shown a critical trend over time. As of November 2023, approximately 157 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are grappling with crisis-level food…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Ituri, North Kivu, South Kivu - Scale up Response Report (Reporting period July - October 2023)


HIGHLIGHTS The humanitarian situation remains alarming in the three provinces of the eastern DRC (North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri), due to the increased number of displacements following the intensification of conflict and the deterioration of the…

Situation Report
4 Dec 2023
Téléchargement  + 1 more

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

République démocratique du Congo - Situation d’urgence complexe 24 novembre 2023 Fiche d’information n° 1 Exercice fiscal 2024

COUP D’ŒIL SUR LA SITUATION 109,6 MILLIONS Population de la RDC ONU, septembre 2023 26,4 MILLIONS Population ayant besoin d'une assistance ONU, septembre 2023 6,9 MILLIONS Nombre de personnes déplacées internes PDI en RDC IOM, octobre 2023 1,1 MILLION Réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

In eastern DRC, women and girls pay a high price in ongoing conflict

WFP and our partners are working to ensure they don’t have to choose between hunger and sexual violence In the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s conflict-ravaged northeast, 27-year-old Florence Mapendo faces an agonizing daily choice: hunger or…

News and Press Release
27 Nov 2023

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 27 more

Start Fund Risk Bulletin (Issued 15 November 2023)

The monthly risk briefing reports on new, emerging or deteriorating situations; therefore, ongoing events that are considered to be unchanged are not featured and risks that are beyond the scope and scale of the Start Fund…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNICEF DR Congo Humanitarian Situation Report No. 5: Level 3 Emergency scale up - Ituri, North Kivu, South Kivu provinces* (1 - 31 October 2023)

Highlights Heavy fighting resumed on several fronts in Rutshuru and Masisi territories in North Kivu leading to significant population movements, worsening protection situation for children and women and increased life-saving needs as well as deteriorating humanitarian access. Children…

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