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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 16 more

UNHCR COVID-19 Response: Southern Africa, 1 - 30 November 2020

Highlights Since UNHCR’s COVID-19 response began in Southern Africa in March 2020 2.7 million people reached with COVID19 risk communication 53,948 people received cash assistance as a result of COVID-19 3,053 health staff and community health workers trained on COVID-19 Population…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 9 more

UNICEF West and Central Africa Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation Report No. 8 (Reporting Period: 03 October - 04 December 2020)

Highlights Although the number of active COVID-19 cases continues to decrease overall, the circulation of the virus is still active across WCAR with all 24 countries reporting cases of community transmission. As of 04 December 2020, 281,328…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Humanitarian Action for Children 2021 - Democratic Republic of the Congo

HIGHLIGHTS The scale and complexity of humanitarian needs and protection concerns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are staggering. Chronic poverty and weak essential service systems, recurrent armed conflict, acute malnutrition and major epidemic outbreaks, including…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 3 more

Democratic Republic of the Congo UNHCR Operational Update, October 2020

Highlights ▪ A verification exercise targeting almost 19,000 refugees from the Central African Republic was completed in Nord Ubangi Province. ▪ UNHCR launched the construction of 1,000 additional emergency shelters at Kigonze displacement site in Bunia, Ituri Province. ▪…

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