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Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Weekly Humanitarian Update (14 - 20 August 2017)

ITURI: OVER 150 KILLED AND 280 ORPHANS IN A LANDSLIDE IN DJUGU TERRITORY At least 150 people are believed to have died and an estimated 70 houses were destroyed following a landslide that ravaged the fishing village…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

DR Congo: Weekly Humanitarian Update ( 31 July - 04 August 2017)

TANGANYIKA: INCREASING NUMBER OF PROTECTION INCIDENTS IN KALEMIE TERRITORY In July 2017, the NGO Save Congo conducted a protection monitoring mission among the displaced population in Kalemie Territory. This mission funded by the DRC Humanitarian Fund revealed…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

DR Congo: Weekly Humanitarian Update (24 - 27 July 2017)

KASAI: ADDITIONAL US$9 MILLION PLEDGED FOR THE HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE The Netherlands and the United Kingdom respectively pledged US$3 and $6 million to the DRC Humanitarian Fund to support the humanitarian response in the Kasai region. This new…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 4 more

RD Congo : Tableau de bord humanitaire (janvier à juin 2017)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION L’évolution de la situation humanitaire tout au long du 1er semestre 2017 confirme l’acuité de la crise en RDC caractérisée par la simultanéité de plusieurs crises à travers l’ensemble du territoire. Ce caractère…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Weekly Humanitarian Update (17 - 21 July 2017)

SOUTH KIVU: CASES OF CHOLERA REPORTED IN BUKAVU From 10 to 16 July, Ibanda and Kadutu health zones respectively reported 8 and 3 cases of cholera while no case was reported the previous week. The popular district…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

DR Congo: Weekly Humanitarian Update (10 - 16 July 2017)

KASAI: CLOSE TO 700 CHILDREN REUNITED WITH THEIR FAMILIES On 05 July 2017, the European Commission announced a new allocation of 5 million euros for emergency assistance to populations affected by the conflict that has been raging…

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