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Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo : Evaluation de la situation humanitaire dans le territoire de Kanyama par une mission inter agences du 12 au 22 août 2008

Introduction Etant donné que l'année 2008 est considérée au Katanga comme année charnière entre l'urgence et le développement, il est impérieux d'établir une analyse actualisée et documentée de la situation humanitaire dans les zones de retour et/ou de crise, devant…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Mozambique: Joint Assessment Mission for the food assistance to the Marratane Refugee Camp

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) to the Marratane Refugees Camp in Nampula, Northern Mozambique, was conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Refugiados (INAR), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and World Food Programme (WFP) from…

Govt. Mozambique, UNHCR, WFP
1 Aug 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Evaluation of the United Nations Mine Action Programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo March-April 2008

Requested by the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions, Department of Peacekeeping Operations. Carried out by Anne Capelle and Chris Lang Independent Consultants. Executive Summary 1. Background The purpose of this evaluation…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo : Rapport de l'étude sur les causes des abandons scolaires et de la non scolarisation des enfants dans la province du Nord- Kivu

(Cas des sous divisions de Goma, Masisi, Rutshuru et Butembo). Par Prof. Kambale Karafuli, Ass. Dr. Ntabe Namegabe, Ass. Baluti Hinganya, Ass. Mumbere Kikoli, Ass. Mumbere Mbasa, Ass. Kahindo Kambere et Mr. Nyavanda Kahindukya Commanditée par UNICEF/ GOMA Résumé Objectif général de l'étude L'objectif…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: An ongoing crisis

Executive Summary The Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) has been mired in conflict for over a decade, with devastating effects on its civilian population. The most recent war of 1998-2002 was characterized by mass displacement, collapse of health systems…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

FAST Update DRC/Kivu region: Semi-annual risk assessment Jul - Dec 2006

Risk Assessment: As the graph indicates, the past six months have been a period of great uncertainty in DRC, as the country went through two rounds of presidential elections. Fortunately, parliamentary and presidential elections took place without being marred by…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Monthly Human Rights Assessment - Nov 2006

Human Rights Division / MONUC Summary: Three mass graves identified in Bavi, Ituri District; Evidence of gross violations of human rights, including mass rape, perpetrated by PNC agents, in August 2006 found in Equateur; More than 600 street dwellers arrested…

30 Nov 2006

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