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Chad + 2 more

Bulletin d'information humanitaire Tchad, du 02 au 16 octobre 2009

Faits Majeurs - Lancement de la semaine des Nations Unies au Tchad; - Lancement de la campagne contre les violences faites aux femmes; - Lancement de la Journée Mondiale de l'Alimentation; - Les engins non explosés continuent à faire des victimes. Quatre enfants tués…

Chad + 1 more

Chad: Appeal No. MAATD001 Programme Update No. 2

This report covers the period 1 April to 30 June, 2009. In brief Programme purpose The International Federation supports Red Cross of Chad in the field of programme coordination, service delivery and donor cooperation development, with a particular mission in ensuring the continuance…

Chad + 7 more

JRS Dispatches No. 262

(Extract) REFUGEE NEWS BRIEFINGS KENYA: LACK OF INTEGRATION OPPORTUNITIES EXACERBATES CRISIS According to a report by the UN news agency, IRIN, on 19 June, deteriorating security in Somalia is pushing large numbers of civilians to seek protection in Kenya, where facilities to host…

Situation Report
30 Jun 2009

Chad + 1 more

Ensuring a right to special protection for vulnerable child refugees in Chad

In the run-up to the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - a landmark international agreement on the basic human rights of all children - UNICEF is featuring a series of stories about progress…

News and Press Release
19 Jun 2009

Chad + 1 more

Chad: Appeal No. MAATD001 Programme Update No. 1

This report covers the period January to March 2009. In brief Programme purpose: The International Federation supports Red Cross of Chad in the field of programme coordination, service delivery and donor cooperation development, with a particular mission in ensuring the continuance of…

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