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Chad + 1 more

Chad: Quick Alerts - 19 March 2021

HEALTH SITUATION COVID-19 update The COVID-19 epidemic was declared on 19 March 2020 by the Government, a year ago this week, following confirmation by the laboratory of a first case, arrived on 15 March by a TCHADIA Airlines…


From Harm To Home: Le Bulletin trimestriel d’informations de l’International Rescue Committee au Tchad - # 12 Quatrième trimestre 2020

ÉVENEMENT Lancement du projet ADELAC | P. 3 PROTECTION ET AUTONOMISATION DES FEMMES 16 jours d’activisme pour dénoncer les violences faites aux femmes et aux filles | P. 4 FOCUS Vaincre la malnutrition dans le Guéra | P. 6 RELÈVEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE Le Cash-for-Work…

News and Press Release
17 Mar 2021

Chad + 2 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, February 2021

In Numbers 3,417 mt of food assistance distributed USD 0.25 m cash-based transfers made USD 72 m six months (March – August 2021) net funding requirements 402,323 people assisted in February 2021 Operational Updates Five umbrella agreements (four agreements between the Governments…

Chad + 1 more

Chad: Quick Alerts - 5 March 2021

HEALTH SITUATION COVID-19 update As of 3 March, there have been 4,056 reported cases and 140 deaths in 17 provinces. Between 27 February and 3 March, 99 new cases were reported in five different provinces and in N’Djamena.…


Chad: Quick Alerts - 26 February 2021

HEALTH SITUATION COVID-19 update As of 23 February, there have been 3,882 reported cases and 136 deaths in 17 provinces. Between 18 and 23 February, 186 new cases were reported in seven different provinces and in the capital…

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