
ReliefWeb results

Chad + 1 more

Tens of thousands of people flee Cameroon as violence spreads

Over the past few weeks thousands of people from Cameroon have crossed the Logone and Chari rivers to find refuge in Chad due to ongoing violence. There are now around 100,000 people, the vast majority of…

News and Press Release
4 Jan 2022


WFP Chad Country Brief, November 2021

In Numbers 2,311 MT of food assistance distributed USD 568,544 cash-based transfers made USD 151.5 m six months (December 2021 – May 2022) net funding requirements 441,065 people assisted in November 2021 Operational Updates The November 2021 Cadre Harmonisé (CH) results project…

Chad + 1 more

Cameroon - Chad Emergency (31 December 2021)

Some tensions can still be observed in the Chad – Cameroon border area. Despite this, calm has now been restored in all affected areas of Far North Cameroon. The situation in Chad is also calm. Two suitable…

Chad + 1 more

Cameroon – Chad Emergency (23 December 2021)

Pre-registration by UNHCR and Government is ongoing in Chad. So far, 26 out of 35 sites have been surveyed and 27,243 refugees have been pre-registered. Though the security situation is now calmer in Far North Cameroon, humanitarian…

Chad + 3 more

From Harm To Home - # Numéro special Décembre 2020

Urgences humanitaires : des interventions plus que jamais d’actualité Chers partenaires, chers collaborateurs, A l’heure où le monde connaît des nombres records de personnes en détresse humanitaire, de personnes réfugiées et déplacées, et de personnes exposées à des…

News and Press Release
21 Dec 2021

Chad + 1 more

Far North Cameroon – Chad Emergency (16 December 2021)

A resurgence in inter-communal violence in Cameroon’s Far North region has forced over 80,000 persons to flee to neighbouring Chad, while over 15,000 are displaced within the country. Humanitarian access to affected populations in Far North Cameroon…

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