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Chad + 5 more

Sudan Situation: Regional Refugee Response Plan - Preliminary Summary & Inter-Agency Requirements (May-October 2023)

Key figures 134* INTER-AGENCY PARTNERS 860,000 REFUGEES AND RETURNEES PROJECTED BY OCTOBER 2023 $445 million TOTAL INTER-AGENCY REQUIREMENTS In support of CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD EGYPT ETHIOPIA SOUTH SUDAN *Partners are counted as unique for each country if they participate in the response in different countries Situation overview This Regional Refugee…


Rapport d’impact dans le pays Tchad - Septembre 2022

Depuis 2004, le partenariat entre le Fonds mondial et le Tchad a permis de sauver plus de 143 000 vies. Le Fonds mondial est une source constante de soutien pour les personnes touchées par le VIH, la…

News and Press Release
Global Fund
4 May 2023

Chad + 1 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Flash Update No. 3: 02 May 2023

HUMANITARIAN OVERVIEW According to UNHCR, as of 1st of May around 30,000 people have fled to Tchad: 3,000 to Wadi Fira province; 21,000 to Ouaddaï province; and 6,000 to Sila province. UNHCR in Tchad projects an influx of…

Chad + 1 more

Tchad Mise à jour humanitaire Avril 2023

Nouvel afflux de réfugiés au Tchad suite à la crise soudanaise Suite au conflit qui a éclaté à Khartoum et dans tout le Soudan le 15 avril, des milliers de personnes ont traversé la frontière soudanaise pour…

Chad + 1 more

Chad Humanitarian Update April 2023

New refugee influx into Chad as a result of Sudan crisis As a result of the conflict which broke out in Khartoum and across Sudan on 15 April thousands of people have fled across the Sudanese border…

Chad + 1 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Flash Update No. 2: 27 April 2023

OVERVIEW According to UNHCR, since the conflict began, an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 people have sought refuge in Chad through 27 entry points along the Southeast border. They are currently hosted in 7 villages. The Prime Minister convened…

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