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Chad: Revised Plan 2011 (MAATD001)

Executive summary Despite extensive natural resources, a strategic location for trans-African trade and increasing oil revenues since the beginning of the millennium, Chad remains one of the lowest performing nations. The Human Development Index1 (HDI) ranks Chad 170 out of…

Chad + 9 more

ACTED Newsletter #66 October 2010

Contents Generosity in the face of hardship (Tajikistan) Improving Water and Sanitation facilities in prisons in South Sudan (Sudan) The necessity of protecting the environment in Bahai, East of Chad (Chad) Foes become friends across the border (Uganda) Psycho-social support for the children of Gaza…

News and Press Release
22 Oct 2010


Chad: Humanitarian Bulletin - 12 September to 15 October 2010

Key events - Persistence of Cholera: nearly 3338 cases with 128 deaths; - Assistance to households affected by food insecurity and child malnutrition continues; - Dialogue forum between the Government and humanitarian actors launched; - The Consolidated Humanitarian Appeal for Chad funded at 58%.


Tchad : Inondations - Situation Report #3, 10 octobre 2010

I. Evénements clés - Environ 150 000 personnes affectées et 52 600 hectares de surfaces emblavées inondées. - L'ONG Solidarités International a besoin d'urgence d'articles non alimentaires pour assister 8 000 personnes à Am Timan.


Chad: Floods & Cholera Emergency appeal no. MDRTD005

GLIDE no. EP-2010-000165-TCD This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 1,283,953 (USD 1,269,732 or EUR 995,930) in cash, kind, or services to support the Red Cross of Chad to assist 6,335 families affected by floods and cholera for six months, and completed…

Chad + 4 more

Sudan - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #11, Fiscal Year (FY) 2010

KEY DEVELOPMENTS As of September 6, three non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including USAID/OFDA grantees, had resumed health, nutrition, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities in Kalma internally displaced persons (IDP) camp following a period of access restrictions from late July…

Chad + 8 more

JRS DISPATCHES No. 287, 30 September 2010

REFUGEE NEWS BRIEFINGS 1. South Africa: deportations of undocumented Zimbabweans to resume Johannesburg, 16 September 2010 - At the end of the year, South Africa is to resume the deportation of Zimbabweans who fail to quality for visas under the new…

News and Press Release
30 Sep 2010

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