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Chad + 2 more

Humanitarian Bulletin Chad, Issue 02 | February 2017

HIGHLIGHTS After three years of assistance at the Gaoui site, the humanitarian community advocates for durable solutions to facilitate the reintegration of returnees. The Oslo Humanitarian Conference allowed the countries of the Lake Chad Basin to receive pledges…

Chad + 1 more

Chad: Situation in the Lake region and the impact of the Nigerian crisis – Situation Report n˚ 22 (23/03/2017)

Highlights The security situation remained calm, despite some incidents related to inter-communal tensions or acts allegedly perpetrated by armed elements. Two multisector assessments in the return areas of women and children having allegedly surrendered highlighted many vulnerabilities and…

Chad + 2 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report, February 2017

Highlights Chad’s pipeline of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) is facing an alarming strain. The current pipeline covers up to June 2017. Chad is a landlocked country and new supplies take four months to arrive in…

Chad + 2 more

Tchad Bulletin Humanitaire N° 02 | Février 2017

FAITS SAILLANTS Après trois ans d’assistance sur le site de Gaoui, la communauté humanitaire plaide des solutions durables pour faciliter la réinsertion des retournés. La Conférence humanitaire d’Oslo a permis aux pays du Bassin du Lac Tchad de…

Chad + 2 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report, January 2017

Highlights No new major population movements have been reported. As of January 2017, there are 124,683 displaced persons, including IDPs, Chadian returnees from Nigeria and Niger, refugees and third-country nationals. A suspected Hepatitis E epidemic continues to affect…

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