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Shelters Revive Hope for Families Displaced by Floods in Chad

Massagada, 22 May 2023 – Nima was asleep when disaster knocked on her door seven months ago. “We woke up with water under our feet and had to leave everything so quickly,” she remembers of that fateful…

News and Press Release
19 May 2023

Chad + 1 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Flash Update No. 6: 17 May 2023

HUMANITARIAN OVERVIEW: As of 15 May, UNHCR fixed 53,933 refugees including around 24,000 newly arrived in Borota. 19,443 refugees are preregistered, whom 66% children, including 317 children at risk and 226 separated or unaccompanied children. As of 15…

Chad + 1 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Flash Update No. 4: 05 May 2023

HUMANITARIAN OVERVIEW Sudanese refugees continue to flee to Chad and to other neighbouring countries. UNHCR projects a total of 30,000 refugees in Chad by the beginning of next week. Their number could reach 100,000 by the end…

Chad + 2 more

UNHCR Operational Update - Tchad 12 mai 2023

Urgence Urgence Soudanaise : Le HCR, en appui au gouvernement tchadien coordonne la réponse d'urgence aux réfugiés fuyant le conflit au Soudan. Au 12 mai, 28 443 réfugiés ont été physiquement comptés et identifiés, et environ 17…

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