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Chad + 1 more

Tchad Mise à jour humanitaire juin 2023

Les besoins humanitaires augmentent à la suite de la hausse du nombre de personnes qui se réfugient au Tchad en fuyant le Soudan. Depuis l’éclatement du conflit au Soudan le 15 avril dernier, le nombre de personnes…

Chad + 1 more

Chad Humanitarian Update June 2023

Humanitarian needs on the rise as the number of people fleeing Sudan into Chad increases The number of people fleeing violence in Sudan to Chad since fighting broke out between rival military factions in Khartoum on 15…

Chad + 1 more

The challenge of accessing education for Sudanese refugees in Chad

Since the escalation of the conflict in Sudan in April, thousands of people continue to flee the country in search of safety. Many of them, mostly women and children, have found refuge in neighbouring Chad, while…

News and Press Release
5 Jul 2023

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