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Chad + 3 more

Chad Situation Report, 17 Sep 2021

HIGHLIGHTS The World Food Programme (WFP) and its partners strengthen communities’ resilience Integrated projects that deliver results Water management is the backbone of development Humanitarian aid alone is no longer enough The thorny issue of gender and population dynamics FEATURE The work that…

Chad + 3 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, August 2021

In Numbers 44,497 mt of food assistance distributed USD 1 m cash-based transfers made USD 62.1 m six months (September 2021 – February 2022) net funding requirements 1,461,443 people assisted in August 2021 Operational Updates • The first cycle of lean season…


Plan d’action national AAP en 2021 - N’Djamena, mars 2021

Pilier 1. Incorporer les notions de la redevabilité envers la population affectée de manière transversale aux stratégies humanitaires, aux mécanismes de gestion de plaintes et à la planification de la réponse ; et favoriser la synergie…

Manual and Guideline
16 Sep 2021

Chad + 1 more

UNHCR Chad: Situation Report #2 on the Arrival of New Refugees from Cameroon - Province of Chari-Baguirmi (10 September 2021)

11,000: Estimated number of new arrivals from Cameroon at the first assessment 8,749: Number of individuals registered (L1) by UNHCR (2,248 households) 93%: Percentage of women and children 3,023: Number of medical consultations 209,023: Number of hot meals distributed at…

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