
ReliefWeb results

Chad + 3 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, June 2020

In Numbers 5,246 mt of food assistance distributed USD 2.9 m cash-based transfers made USD 60.2 m six months (July - December 2020) net funding requirements 631,451 people assisted in June 2020 Operational Updates • Two European Union-funded flights landed in Chad…

Chad + 1 more

Chad Situation Report, 22 July 2020

HIGHLIGHTS Over 12,000 new IDPs from the islands settled in Fourkoulom in January, May and June 2020 Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Lac province Situation of the new Sudanese refugees in the Kouchaguine-Moura camp Responding to the urgent…


UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report No. 4 for 1 May to 30 June 2020

Situation in Numbers 2,860,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 6,400,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance (revised OCHA HRP 2020) 414,301 under 5 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (revised OCHA HRP 2020) 236,426 internally displaced people (revised HRP 2020) Highlights •…

Chad + 3 more

Tchad Rapport de situation, 17 juil. 2020

FAITS SAILLANTS Nord-est du Tchad: une région méconnue mais en besoin d’assistance humanitaire Encore trop peu d’acteurs humanitaires présents et actifs dans le nord-est Plus de 12 000 nouveaux déplacés internes en provenance des zones insulaires installés à Fourkoulom…


COVID-19, violence and climate change: Lake Chad herders in distress

Pastureland is disappearing fast due to climate change in the area surrounding Lake Chad, from Fouli to Kouloudia, Wayi and Mamdi. Livestock are dying off, and herders in the region are understandably worried. On top of…

News and Press Release
6 Jul 2020

Chad + 1 more

Chad Situation Report, 3 July 2020

HIGHLIGHTS Restriction measures related to COVID-19 affect humanitarian aid and access A complex situation for returnees A deteriorating situation for refugees, especially in terms of protection EMERGENCY RESPONSE Restriction measures related to COVID-19 affect humanitarian access and aid Following the first reported…


Tchad Bulletin des Prix, juin 2020

Le Réseau de systèmes d’alerte précoce contre la famine (FEWS NET) surveille les tendances des prix des aliments de base dans les pays vulnérables à l'insécurité alimentaire. Pour chaque pays et chaque région couvert par FEWS…

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