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Chad Food Security Outlook Update - November 2011

Crop predators undermine rainfed crop production Crop damage from grain-eating birds and grasshoppers has put the preliminary nationwide grain production estimate by the joint CILSS/FAO/FEWS NET/WFP/Government harvest assessment mission slightly below the five-year average. Contrary to previous expectations,…


Drought puts Chad under food shortage pressure

Pressure on meagre food stocks in Chad is growing as a hunger crisis once again looms over large parts of West Africa. The landlocked country of 11 million people experienced little rainfall during its May to September…

News and Press Release
21 Nov 2011

Chad + 7 more

Sahel and West Africa Food Security Outlook Update - Oct 2011

Across-the-board delay in grain harvests affects market supplies Though not a source of concern, local market supplies are smaller than normal due to delays in harvests after a late start-of-season. As a result, prices are higher than usual, particularly in…

Chad + 1 more

Tchad Bulletin d'Information Humanitaire octobre 2011

Ce bulletin est produit par OCHA en collaboration avec les partenaires humanitaires. Il est publié par le bureau de OCHA-Tchad et couvre la période allant du 1er au 31 octobre 2011. Le prochain bulletin sera publié…

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