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Chad + 2 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report, March 2017

Highlights: 179 new suspected cases of Hepatitis E have been reported in the 3 health districts of Salamat. Since September 2016, the total of cases is 1,314 of which 201 cases were tested and 96 of these…

Chad + 5 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, March 2017

Highlights WFP Chad piloted SCOPE cards for cash-based food assistance in the Lake Chad region for 2,650 internally displaced persons living in Kaya. The SCOPE card is a brand new tool using biometric information: the recipient’s identity…

Chad + 2 more

Tchad Bulletin Humanitaire N° 03 | Mars 2017

FAITS SAILLANTS Les résultats d’analyse de la sécurité alimentaire et de nutrition, publiés en mars 2017, indiquent que 2,2 millions de personnes seront touchées par l’insécurité alimentaire au Tchad de mars à mai 2017, soit presqu’une personne…

Chad + 3 more

UNHCR Chad Factsheet - March 2017

HIGHLIGHTS Three humanitarian corridors identified in Southern Chad for the potential voluntary return of CAR refugees not yet functional. Potential refugees for the Chadian national exam-Baccalaureate for 2016/2017 increased by 34%. Women make up 60% of candidates. Preliminary results…


L'Union européenne renforce son soutien au Tchad

Bruxelles, le 10 avril 2017 La Commission européenne annonce 100 millions d'euros additionnels pour soutenir le Tchad Le Commissaire européen en charge de la coopération internationale et du développement Neven Mimica, en visite à N'Djamena, annonce un soutien…

News and Press Release
10 Apr 2017


The European Union increases its support for Chad

Brussels, 10 April 2017 European Commission announces an additional EUR 100 million in support for Chad. The Commissioner in charge of international cooperation and development, Neven Mimica, announces additional support of EUR 100 million on his visit to…

News and Press Release
10 Apr 2017

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