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Chad + 3 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, June 2020

In Numbers 5,246 mt of food assistance distributed USD 2.9 m cash-based transfers made USD 60.2 m six months (July - December 2020) net funding requirements 631,451 people assisted in June 2020 Operational Updates • Two European Union-funded flights landed in Chad…


UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report No. 4 for 1 May to 30 June 2020

Situation in Numbers 2,860,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 6,400,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance (revised OCHA HRP 2020) 414,301 under 5 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (revised OCHA HRP 2020) 236,426 internally displaced people (revised HRP 2020) Highlights •…

Chad + 3 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, April 2020

In Numbers 6,256 mt of food assistance distributed USD 1.5 m cash-based transfers made USD 67 m six months (May – October 2020) net funding requirements 633,455 people assisted in April 2020 Operational Updates • WFP continues to deliver life-saving food and…

Chad + 3 more

Tchad Plan de réponse humanitaire 2020 (février 2020)

Aperçu du Plan de réponse PERSONNES DANS LE BESOIN 5,3M PERSONNES CIBLÉES 3M FONDS REQUIS (US$) 545,3M PARTENAIRES OPÉRATIONNELS 42 L’analyse des besoins humanitaires révèle que le Tchad fait face à trois crises majeures : les mouvements de population, l’insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition et…

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