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Chad + 1 more

Chad Humanitarian Update May 2023

Humanitarian actors in Chad scaling up response for refugees and returnees fleeing the conflict in Sudan As violence has spread in several parts of the Darfur region, an estimated 125,000 people (around 100,000 refugees and 25,000 returnees)…

Chad + 1 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Flash Update No. 7: 25 May 2023

Highlights: Since 15 April, 90,000 refugees have arrived in Chad, after fleeing clashes in Sudan (UNHCR/CNARR estimate). As of 24 May, UNHCR fixed 61,195 refugees (19,507 are preregistered). Around 66% of the preregistered are children. As of 19 May,…

Chad + 1 more

Refugees in Chad Face Extreme Hardships as Conflict Continues in Sudan

N'Djamena, Chad 24 May 2023 -- With the conflict in Sudan in its fifth week, CARE is deeply concerned about the impact the violence has had on hundreds of thousands of Sudanese people, especially women, and…

News and Press Release
25 May 2023

Chad + 1 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Flash Update No. 6: 17 May 2023

HUMANITARIAN OVERVIEW: As of 15 May, UNHCR fixed 53,933 refugees including around 24,000 newly arrived in Borota. 19,443 refugees are preregistered, whom 66% children, including 317 children at risk and 226 separated or unaccompanied children. As of 15…

Chad + 1 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Flash Update No. 4: 05 May 2023

HUMANITARIAN OVERVIEW Sudanese refugees continue to flee to Chad and to other neighbouring countries. UNHCR projects a total of 30,000 refugees in Chad by the beginning of next week. Their number could reach 100,000 by the end…

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