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Chad + 1 more

Refugees ask for service provision extension

EAST CHAD (26 Dec.) - Sudanese refugees living in eastern Chad are asking international organizations to extend the provision of services at the camps without compromising the distribution of food rations. These services include water supply, health,…

News and Press Release
Radio Dabanga
27 Dec 2012

Chad + 2 more

Chad Humanitarian Bulletin, November 2012

HIGHLIGHTS • According to an initial assessment of the 2012-2013 year, the crop production is about 3.7 million tonnes of grain, with an increase of 124% compared to 2011. • A yellow fever epidemic is on-going in Darfur,…


Tchad Bulletin humanitaire - Novembre 2012

FAITS SAILLANTS • Une pré-évaluation de la campagne agricole 2012-2013 donne une production de 3,7 millions de tonnes de céréale, soit une augmentation de 124% par rapport à 2011. • Une épidémie de fièvre jaune sévit dans le…

Chad + 1 more

Chad Consolidated Appeal 2013

English version

Despite recent political upheavals in Libya and neighbouring countries across the Sahel, Chad is on a steady path to sustainable recovery and stabilization. Favourable rain patterns in the Sahel in 2012 are expected to yield better agricultural…

Chad + 1 more

Tchad : Revue de Presse Hebdomadaire, du 23 au 29 novembre 2012

LES TITRES • L’Allemagne donne 500 000 euros pour les victimes des inondations au Tchad (OIM, 27 nov.) • Refugees: 'water scarcity causes violence' (Radio Dabanga, 29 Nov.) • Tchad : hausse des prix des carburants (Afrique7.com, 29 nov.) •…

News and Press Release
29 Nov 2012

Chad + 1 more

Refugees: 'water scarcity causes violence'

EASTERN CHAD (29 Nov.) - Darfuri refugees from Gaga and Farshana camps in Eastern Chad have appealed to all public and environmental health organizations to urgently address the scarcity of drinking water in the camps, Radio…

News and Press Release
Radio Dabanga
29 Nov 2012

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