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Chad + 1 more

RCA provides urgent aid to refugees in Chad

WAM ABU DHABI, 24th March, 2014 (WAM) -- The UAE Red Crescent Authority (RCA) has dispatched urgent relief aid to refugees, flowing from the Central African Republic to Chad, to alleviate their suffering and improve their…

News and Press Release
24 Mar 2014

Chad + 3 more

L’OIM rapatrie des migrants fuyant la RCA depuis le Cameroun vers le Tchad

ANALYSE: « L’état physique choquant des évacués transportés chez eux au Tchad après avoir fui la crise en RCA en dit long sur les dimensions régionales que prend la crise qui se propage aujourd’hui dans de nombreux…

News and Press Release
19 Mar 2014

Chad + 3 more

IOM returns migrants fleeing CAR from Cameroon to Chad

ANALYSIS: “The shocking physical condition of the evacuees being transported home to Chad after fleeing the crisis in CAR speaks volumes about the widening regional dimensions of the crisis now spanning many African countries. There are 15,000…

News and Press Release
18 Mar 2014

Chad + 1 more

Chad Humanitarian Bulletin Issue 01 | January - February 2014

Highlights Over 80,000 people fled CAR violence for Chad since December 2013. The humanitarian community and the government cover the basic needs of the displaced population. CERF Rapid Response finances live saving activities with US$4.2 million. Food insecurity and malnutrition…

Chad + 1 more

Tchad Bulletin Humanitaire Numéro 01 | janvier - février 2014

Faits saillants: Plus de 80 000 personnes ont fui les violences en RCA et sont arrivées au Tchad depuis décembre 2013. La Communauté humanitaire et le gouvernement tchadien fournissent de l’aide vitale à ces personnes arrivées. Le CERF a…

Chad + 1 more

Emergency aid for people fleeing Central African Republic

Around 73,000 Central Africans are now living in Chad, alongside other refugees fleeing the violence. Many are sheltering in camps in the south, but thousands more have headed to the capital city. Islamic Relief is providing vital humanitarian assistance in Chad, to vulnerable people fleeing the war-torn Central African Republic. Civil-war fuelled violence in Central African Republic has forced tens of thousands of people to seek safety in neighbouring…

News and Press Release
Islamic Relief
5 Mar 2014

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