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Central African Republic

Rapport intérimaire du Secrétaire général au Conseil de sécurité sur la situation en République centrafricaine suite à la déclaration à la presse du Président du Conseil de sécurité du 7 juillet 2006 (S/2006/828)

I. Introduction 1. Dans sa déclaration à la presse du 7 juillet 2006 (SC/8771/AFR/1406), le Président du Conseil de sécurité m'a demandé de présenter aux membres du Conseil, en octobre 2006, un rapport sur la situation en République centrafricaine. Le…

Central African Republic

UN SG Interim report on the situation in the Central African Republic subsequent to the press statement of 7 Jul 2006 by the President of the Council (S/2006/828)

I. Introduction 1. In his press statement of 7 July 2006 (SC/8771/AFR/1406), the President of the Security Council requested me to submit to the members of the Council, in October 2006, a report on the situation in the Central African…

Central African Republic

Central African Republic: World Bank approved a US$6.78 million grant

No:2007/104/AFR WASHINGTON, October 16, 2006 - On Tuesday, October 10, the World Bank approved a US$6.8 million grant in support of the Government's efforts to restore and improve the delivery of basic services to the people of the Central African…

News and Press Release
World Bank
16 Oct 2006

Central African Republic + 1 more

Central African Republic: Civilians flee clashes in the north

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations] BANGUI, 9 October (IRIN) - Thousands of people have fled their homes around the town of Wandago in northern Central African Republic over the past three weeks after…

News and Press Release
9 Oct 2006

Central African Republic + 5 more

UNHCR Sudan Operations: Sudan/Chad situation update 64, 08 Oct 2006

SOUTH SUDAN Security The security situation in South Sudan remained relatively stable. Effective 7 September, security Phase IV areas in Equatoria reverted to Phase III. The whole of South Sudan is now in Phase III. Armed escort is however still required…

Central African Republic + 8 more

Afrique de l'Ouest : Une soif inextinguible d'eau potable

DAKAR, le 4 octobre (IRIN) - L'Afrique de l'Ouest a le plus faible taux de couverture en systèmes d'approvisionnement d'eau potable et d'assainissement au monde et cette situation semble s'être détériorée depuis les quinze dernières années, selon un rapport du…

News and Press Release
4 Oct 2006

Central African Republic + 9 more

West Africa: Unquenched thirst for safe drinking water

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations] DAKAR, 2 October (IRIN) - West Africa has the lowest coverage of drinking water and sanitation in the world, and the numbers are rising not falling, according to…

News and Press Release
2 Oct 2006

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