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Central African Republic + 1 more

Refugee voices: Central Africans flee kidnapping, violence and extortion

Insecurity and abuse in the northwest of the Central African Republic prompted approximately 50,000 Central Africans to flee into southern Chad. Most of the refugees stated that they had been targeted by at least two of the three armed…

News and Press Release
3 Jan 2007

Central African Republic

Villages burned and emptied in Central African Republic

Kaga Bandoro, CAR, Dec. 30, 2006-The dusty, winding 45 kilometer road from Kaga Bandoro to Wandago is empty now, except for the charred remains of 54 villages. The residents, some 25,000 people, have all fled into the bush over the…

News and Press Release
30 Dec 2006

Central African Republic

Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la situation en République centrafricaine et sur les activités du Bureau des Nations Unies pour la consolidation de la paix en République centrafricaine (S/2006/1034)

I. Introduction 1. Le présent rapport est présenté conformément à la demande du Conseil de sécurité contenue dans la déclaration de son président du 26 septembre 2001 (S/PRST/2001/25), par laquelle le Conseil m'a demandé de continuer à tenir ses membres…

Central African Republic

Report of the UN SG on the situation in the Central African Republic and the activities of the UN Peacebuilding Support Office in the CAR (S/2006/1034)

I. Introduction 1. This report is submitted in compliance with the request of the Security Council contained in the statement issued by its President on 26 September 2001 (S/PRST/2001/25), in which the Council requested me to continue to keep it…

Central African Republic

Planning humanitarian action in Central African Republic: Scenarios for 2007

To facilitate planning of humanitarian operations for 2007, humanitarian organisations and members of the Government developed three scenarios. Contingency planning is based on the worst possible scenario; while the objectives and actions proposed by humanitarian actors for 2007 (such as…

Central African Republic

Who is who in Central African Republic

AGENCY OVERVIEWS These "Agency Overviews" provide a brief introduction to each organisation operating in the Central African Republic (CAR). Each indicates: - Mandate or mission of the organisation; - Full title of the regional structure and its coverage; - Staffing levels, both international and…

News and Press Release
27 Dec 2006

Central African Republic + 2 more

Rapport du Secrétaire général sur le Tchad et la République centrafricaine, établi en application des paragraphes 9 d) et 13 de la résolution 1706 (2006) du Conseil de sécurité (S/2006/1019)

I. Introduction 1. Dans mon rapport sur le Darfour daté du 28 juillet 2006 (S/2006/591), j'ai souligné que la situation au Darfour compromettait la paix et la sécurité au niveau régional, notamment en ce qui concerne le Tchad et la…

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