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Cameroon Country Climate and Development Report 2022

Towards a People-Centered Green and Resilient Cameroon STORY HIGHLIGHTS The Cameroon Climate and Development Report highlights the challenges of climate change facing Cameroon’s development and outlines development priorities. Climate change has a direct impact to more than 70% of…

Cameroon + 1 more

WFP Cameroon Country Brief, September 2022

In Numbers 2,480 mt of food distributed USD 843,948 cash transfer value distributed USD 30.3 million (October 2022 to March 2023) net funding requirements 382,242 people assisted in August 2022 Operational Updates North-West/South-West response • In September 2022, WFP conducted its operations despite…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroun : cinq histoires de violence, de fuite et de survie

Rapport complet

Depuis 2012, Niger, Nigeria, Tchad et Cameroun connaissent une violence récurrente à laquelle les grands médias portent peu d’attention. Déplacés dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord du Cameroun, Hamadou, Hadidja, Moussa, Amaga et Tongoché témoignent de leur…

News and Press Release
2 Nov 2022

Cameroon + 1 more

UNHCR Final Report on the Far North Cameroon emergency response to the Level 1 emergency in Cameroon and Level 2 emergency in Chad, December 2021 - June 2022

Overview The emergency On 5 December 2021, clashes over diminishing water resources broke out between herders, farmers and fishermen in Cameroon’s Far North region, the second major outbreak of violence within four months. The situation rapidly deteriorated: according…

Cameroon + 2 more

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 02 November 2022

Cameroon More than 150,000 people have been affected by flooding resulting from heavy rainfall and river overflow in the Far North region since August. Floods have destroyed over 18,000 homes and at least 27,400 hectares of fields.…

News and Press Release
2 Nov 2022

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