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Atelier d’échange entre les acteurs humanitaires et leur homologues gouvernementaux sur les Transferts Monétaires Humanitaires au Cameroun [EN/FR]


Relaxe hotel located in Ebang, Soa sub-division Dans le cadre des échanges avec le Gouvernement du Cameroun sur le thème de la modalité de Transfert Monétaire et de Bons d’Echange (TM&BE) utilisée dans le cadre des activités…

News and Press Release
18 Apr 2023
Téléchargement  + 3 more


A Second Look at Cameroon’s Anglophone Special Status

In 2019, Cameroon’s government acknowledged the Anglophone regions’ distinct identity by giving them Special Status. Yet this legal framework has not quelled the separatist rebellion. Would reforming it bring the parties closer to a settlement? The…


Cameroon: Situation Report, 12 April 2023

HIGHLIGHTS North-West and South-West situation report (1 to 28 February 2023) Eight attacks on education reported, in the North-West and South-West regions. Two attacks on healthcare reported in the North-West. Around 113 children identified with severe acute malnutrition could not…

Cameroon + 1 more

WFP Cameroon Country Brief, February 2023

In Numbers 3,447 mt of food assistance distributed USD 672,604 cash-based transfers made USD 54.8 million six months (April – September 2023) net funding requirements (61 percent of total requirements) 505,865 people assisted in February 2023 Operational Updates February was a turbulent…

Cameroon + 1 more

WFP Cameroon Country Brief, January 2023

In Numbers 2,887 mt of food assistance distributed USD 1.9 million cash-based transfers made USD 54.8 million six-month (April – September 2023) net funding requirements (61 percent of total requirements) 500,813 people assisted in January 2023 Operational Updates January was marked by…

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