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Cameroon + 4 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report No. 2: January-June 2023

Highlights ·During the first half of 2023, Cameroon's humanitarian needs have escalated due to conflicts, refugee crises, natural hazards, and disease outbreaks, affecting an estimated 3.9 million people (including 2.1 million children), leading to widespread displacement, acute…


Cameroun : Rapport de situation, 21 août 2023

FAITS SAILLANTS Le financement insuffisant de l'aide humanitaire prive plus d'un million de personnes d’assistance d’urgence et de services de protection. La violence basée sur le genre est accentuée dans les régions du Cameroun touchées par les crises. Des…


Cameroon: Situation Report, 21 August 2023

HIGHLIGHTS Underfunding of humanitarian aid deprives more than a million people of lifesaving and protection services. Gender-based violence exacerbated in crises-affected regions in Cameroon. Mobile clinics provide urgent health services to affected populations in the North-West and South-West regions. The…


Tackling discriminatory gender norms in Cameroon

Cameroon has been hit by repeated crises, including climate disasters, attacks on civilians by insurgent groups, and the economic impact of COVID-19 and rising inflation due to the war in Ukraine. In 2022, 3.9 million people…

News and Press Release
UN Women
18 Aug 2023


Northwest and Southwest Cameroon: Shelter Cluster Strategy 2023

Situation Cameroon’s Northwest and Southwest Regions are two of the most natural resource abundant of the country. The two regions are also home to a number of English-speaking citizens who have long felt marginalized and under-represented in…

Manual and Guideline
Shelter Cluster, UNHCR
10 Aug 2023

Cameroon + 5 more

ACLED Regional Overview Africa: July 2023

Cameroon: Increased civilian targeting in the Extreme-Nord region In July, violence targeting civilians rose in the Extreme-Nord region for the third consecutive month as the Lake Chad faction of the Islamic State West Africa (ISWAP) and Boko…

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