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Cameroun : Covid 19 Situation - As of 7 April 2020

I - OPERATIONAL RESPONSE ▪ Meeting between UNHCR and the World Bank (WB) on 04 April, on the institution’s plans to support government in preventing the spread of Covid-19. It came out of the meeting that the…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroon: Key Message Update: Les ménages pauvres des régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest sont confrontés à une saison de soudure précoce, mars 2020

Key Messages Les marchés dans la plupart du pays sont généralement bien approvisionnés en denrées alimentaires agricoles de base. A l'approche de la saison de soudure, les prix ont entamé leur hausse saisonnière normale avec l'augmentation de…


Cameroon - Food Crisis (ECHO Daily Flash of 31 March 2020)

The latest Cadre Harmonisé (a comprehensive analytical framework) published last week, indicates an alarming deterioration of food insecurity in West and Central Africa. Cameroon is the third most affected country (after Nigeria and Burkina Faso) among…

News and Press Release
31 Mar 2020

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon Humanitarian Response Plan (March 2020)

Foreword by the Humanitarian Coordinator The 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) is a multisectoral strategy aiming to meet the needs of affected people. It is the fruit of a joint effort of humanitarian actors and partners. It…

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