
ReliefWeb results


Cameroon Food Security Outlook Update, June 2022 to January 2023

Food price inflation will continue to drive high needs across the country KEY MESSAGES • Cameroon’s economic outlook for 2022 is positive after undergoing economic improvements from 2021 as the country gradually recovered from the socio-economic impact of…


Cameroon Price Bulletin, June 2022

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing…

Situation Report
30 Jun 2022


Cameroon Humanitarian Bulletin Issue N°32 | May 2022

IN THIS ISSUE P.1 Protection of civilians in armed conflict: The UN Secretary-General report P.2 Return of displaced people to Logone et Chari is observed as needs remain high P.2 The ‘Cadre harmonisé’ analysis indicates 2.4 million people in…


Cameroon Situation Report, 23 June 2022

HIGHLIGHTS North-West and South West situation report (1-30 April 2022) Four staff of a local NGO abducted by unidentified armed elements when returning from a distribution activity in Widikum, NW. Two incidents of humanitarian food aid truck diversion by…

Cameroon + 3 more

WFP Cameroon Country Brief, May 2022

In Numbers 3,025 mt of food distributed USD 608,421 cash transfer value distributed USD 48.0 million (63 percent, June 2022 to November 2022) net funding requirements 421,909 people (226,691 women) assisted in April 2022 Operational Updates North-West/South-West L2 response • Under its crisis…

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroun : Rapport de situation, 31 mai 2022

Rapport de situation de la région de l'Extrême-Nord (1-30 avril). 700 nouvelles personnes deplacées internes enregistrées dans le département du Mayo-Tsanaga suite aux incursions repetées des groupes armés non-étatiques Une personne décédée et près de 2 000 personnes…


Cameroon: Child Protection Inter - Agency Referral Pathway for Child Protection Cases, North-West and South-West Regions, December 2021

INTRODUCTION Children in humanitarian settings are very vulnerable and face a number of protection risks. They may be physically injured, face psychosocial distress, mental health issues or be victims of physical and sexual abuse. They may also…

Manual and Guideline
Protection Cluster, UNICEF
9 Jun 2022

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroun : Profil du Site de Ngam (mars 2022)

Au 31mars 2022, la population du site s’élève à 6988réfugiés centrafricains.60,18% de la population a moins de 18 ans et les femmes/filles représentent 52,59%.L’un des besoins prioritaires pour Ngam est la nécessité d’octroi de terres cultivablesfertiles…

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