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UNICEF Cameroon Situation Report - November 2012

Highlights The number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) due to floods has now gone up to 88,640 (50,824 persons in the North and 37,816 in the Far North region). This is because of the newly flood affected…


UNICEF Cameroon Situation Report - October 27, 2012

Highlights Widespread flooding in the North and Far North districts of Cameroon continues to cause extreme hardship for the local populations. Crops have been destroyed, especially millet, rice and sorghum, which may lead to serious food shortages.…


Cameroon: Floods Emergency appeal n° MDRCM014

This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 1,637,314 in cash, kind, or services to support the Cameroon Red Cross to assist 5,000 families (about 25,000 beneficiaries) for 12 months, and will be completed by the end of September,…

Cameroon + 6 more

Central Africa (MAA62001) Mid-Year Report

This report covers the period 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012. Overview At the beginning of 2012, the Central Africa Regional Representation (CARREP) of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) only covered…


« Nous assistons aux pires inondations au Cameroun depuis 30 ans. »

Depuis le 23 août dernier, de violentes pluies et des débordements de rivières causent des inondations dans les régions du Nord et de l’extrême Nord du Cameroun. Selon les derniers chiffres, 16 personnes auraient déjà trouvé…

News and Press Release
17 Sep 2012


The worst floods in 30 years

Web update, September 12, 2012 Heavy rainfall and overflowing rivers have caused severe flooding in the northern regions of Cameroon since August 23, 2012. The Northern and Far North regions have been particularly hit by the…

News and Press Release
13 Sep 2012

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