Cartes / Infographies

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MHPSS Technical Working Group - Buea Floods March 2023

Torrential rainfall followed by mudslides struck the city of Buea, capital of Cameroon’s SouthWest Region on March 18, 2023. The incident resulted in flash floods, causing extensive damage to property and human casualties in the villages…

Health Cluster, IASC, Protection Cluster, UNHCR, UNFPA, WHO
10 Nov 2023

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroon: Operational Presence (As of June 2023)

217 humanitarian organizations are implementing projects to alleviate the suffering of 2.7 million vulnerable people, targeted for assistance, out of the 4.7 million people in need. Projects are implemented in the following sectors: Education, Food Security,…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroon: Operational Presence (As of March 2023)

189 humanitarian organizations are implementing projects to alleviate the suffering of 2.7 million vulnerable people, targeted for assistance, out of the 4.7 million people in need. Projects are implemented in the following sectors: Education, Food Security,…

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Dashboard (January to June 2023)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Cameroon continues to be impacted by three complex humanitarian crises: the Lake Chad basin conflict, the North-West (NW) and South-West (SW) crisis, and the Central African Republic (CAR) refugee crisis. In 2023, an estimated 4.7 million…


GBV AoR Cameroon - GBVIMS Statistics

Incident summary report In the first semester of 2023, 2386 incidents were reported by GBVIMS users in the North West, South West and Far North regions of Cameroon. 97.1% of the incidents reported were females. 17.9% are children…

GBV AoR, Protection Cluster, UNFPA
18 Aug 2023

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Dashboard (January to March 2023)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Cameroon continues to be impacted by three complex humanitarian crises: the Lake Chad basin conflict, the North-West and South-West crisis, and the Central African Republic (CAR) refugee crisis. In 2023, an estimated 4.7 million people across…

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