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Humanitarian Action for Children 2022 - Cameroon

HIGHLIGHTS In Cameroon, 4.4 million people, including 2.3 million children, 1.1 million women and 660,000 persons with disabilities,2 urgently need humanitarian assistance. Needs are driven by armed conflict, inter-communal violence, an influx of refugees from neighbouring countries,…

Cameroon + 6 more

UNHCR Cameroon MCO Factsheet - August 2021

Cameroon hosts 1,978,070 persons of concern to UNHCR: 458,901 refugees and asylum seekers, 1,052,591 internally displaced persons (321,886 in the Far North and 711,056 in the North West and South West regions), and 466,578 returnees (former…

News and Press Release
5 Nov 2021

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroon Situation Report, 5 November 2021

HIGHLIGHTS North-West and South West situation report (1-30 September 2021 ) UN agencies and humanitarian partners had to fully suspend humanitarian activities as non-State armed groups declared lockdown from 15 September to 2 October. Schools resumed in the North-West…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroon Humanitarian Bulletin Issue N°24 | September 2021

HIGHLIGHTS Education: In 2021, two out of three schools have been non-operational in the North-West and South-West (NWSW) regions, affecting over 700,000 students. Displacement: Over 2,500 people fled their villages in the NWSW. Food security: More than 200,000 vulnerable…


Cameroun : Extrême Nord , Logone Birni - Réponse aux mouvements de population dans l’arrondissement de Logone Birni Rapport de situation N 1 (3 novembre 2021)

Faits saillants • Un conflit intercommunautaire entre deux groupes ethniques dans l’arrondissement de Logone Birni a causé des mouvements de populations internes et transfrontaliers entre le 9 et le 15 août 2021. • 8 749 personnes se sont…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroun : Rapport de situation, 26 octobre 2021

FAITS SAILLANTS La multiplication des cas de vols à domicile et agressions physiques dans la ville de Baga Sola préoccupe les acteurs humanitaires La montée des eaux contraint les acteurs de la sécurité à revoir leurs stratégies contre…

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