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Cameroon + 1 more

ACT Alert: Life-saving relief to CAR refugees in Cameroon

English version

Brief description of the emergency and impact Due to the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR), there are massive flows of IDPs inside CAR and refugees in neighbouring countries. According to a recent assessment carried out…

News and Press Release
ACT Alliance
24 Jul 2014

Cameroon + 4 more

Central African Republic Revised Regional Refugee Response Plan: January-December 2014

English version

SUMMARY Period: January to December 2014 Current Beneficiary Population:159,876 Planning Figure to End- 2014: 306,500 Target Beneficiaries: New Refugees fleeing the Central African Republic (CAR) since December 2013. Third Country Nationals fleeing CAR with refugees to Cameroon and Congo. Host communities. Financial Requirements: USD…

Cameroon + 2 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report, June 30, 2014

Highlights UNICEF continues to be engaged in providing humanitarian response in four regions of Cameroon – Far North, North, Adamaoua and East – which have been facing recurring emergencies. CAR REFUGEES: As of 22 June 2014, 106,119 people…

Cameroon + 2 more

2014-2016 Plan de réponse stratégique Cameroun (Revisé Avril 2014)

RÉSUMÉ Objectifs stratégiques Recueillir les données sur les risques et les vulnérabilités, les analyser et intégrer les résultats dans la programmation humanitaire et de développement. Soutenir les populations vulnérables à mieux faire face aux chocs en répondant aux signaux…

OCHA, UNCT Cameroon
4 Jun 2014

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroon - Population Movement (MDRCM015): 6 month update

Period covered by this Ops Update: 03 September 2013 to March 2014 (initial six months of the operation); this update represents a six-month summary of the operation (cumulative narrative and financial). Appeal target (current): CHF642,579; Appeal coverage:…

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