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Cameroon + 3 more

Radio programs help keep children learning in Lake Chad crisis

DAKAR/BRUSSELS, 18 July 2017 – An innovative radio education programme has begun in the Lake Chad basin as part of a comprehensive effort to support the 1.3 million children who have been displaced by the violence…

News and Press Release
18 Jul 2017

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroun : Minawao - Profil du camp, juin 2017

En réponse à l’afflux massif des refugies nigérians vers le Cameroun, le camp de Minawao a été ouvert depuis juillet 2013 pour permettre de fournir de façon coordonnée les services de bases aux populations nigérianes victimes…

Cameroon + 2 more

UNHCR Cameroon Factsheet - June 2017

Cameroon currently has 616,111 people of concern, including 212,534 Central African refugees and 91,278 Nigerian refugees. A total of 889 Nigerian refugees living in Minawao camp spontaneously returned to towns in north-eastern Nigeria during the month of…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroun Bulletin humanitaire Numéro 001 | Juillet 2017

Au sommaire • Mouvements de population ..................... 1 • La protection – enjeu de la réponse Humanitaire ....................................... 3 • Les défis de l’accès humanitaire............... 3 • La Coordination civilo-militaire .................. 4 FAITS SAILLANTS • L’intensification des attentats dans le Mayo-Sava entrave…

Cameroon + 2 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report, May 2017

Highlights Due to increased conflict in Kolofata commune in the Far North, 24,000 internally displaced people are without homes and in need of food and support. During the month of May, more than 12,000 people suddenly left Minawao…

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