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Cameroon + 2 more

UNHCR Cameroon Factsheet - October 2018

Cameroon currently has 700,264 people of concern, including 267,813 Central African and 101,404 Nigerian refugees. Activation of clusters to support humanitarian response scale-up in the SouthWest and North-West regions. Preparations underway in the Far North region in order…

Cameroon + 1 more

UNHCR Cameroon - Profil de Site - Borgop (octobre 2018)

Au 30 Octobre 2018, la population du site s’élève à 12.021 réfugiés centrafricains. 60% de la population a moins de 18 ans et les femmes/filles représentent 53%. Les besoins prioritaires de Borgop sont l’accès à l’état civil…

Cameroon + 2 more

UNHCR Cameroon Factsheet - September 2018

Cameroon currently has 696,097 people of concern, including 263,206 Central African and 100,504 Nigerian refugees. UNHCR’s Central African Republic Representative visits Cameroon and meets with authorities and Central African refugees. UNHCR opens a Field Office in Buea, South…

Cameroon + 1 more

UNHCR Cameroon - Profil de Site - Minawao (Septembre 2018)

Ouvert depuis juillet 2013 pour répondre à l’afflux massif des réfugiés nigérians vers le Cameroun, le camp de Minawao continu de recevoir un nombre journalièrement considérable des nouveaux arrivants. Du 1er janvier au 30 septembre 2018, plus…

Cameroon + 2 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report, August 2018

Highlights • Despite vigorous efforts by the national and humanitarian actors including UNICEF, the cholera outbreak that emerged in mid-May has recorded 235 cases in the North and Central regions as of 29 August, an increase of…

Cameroon + 2 more

UNHCR Cameroon Factsheet - August 2018

Cameroon currently has 695,390 people of concern, including 263,206 Central African and 99,730 Nigerian refugees. Visit of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for BPRM, Richard Albright to Minawao refugee camp. A delegation from the U.S. Congress undertook…

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