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Cameroon Situation Report, 13 July 2022

HIGHLIGHTS North-West and South West situation report (1-31 May 2022). Humanitarian operations were suspended from 15 to 21 May 2022 in the North-West and South-West (NWSW) regions due to lockdowns called for by non-State armed groups (NSAGs). Four humanitarian…


Cameroon Situation Report, 23 June 2022

HIGHLIGHTS North-West and South West situation report (1-30 April 2022) Four staff of a local NGO abducted by unidentified armed elements when returning from a distribution activity in Widikum, NW. Two incidents of humanitarian food aid truck diversion by…

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroun : Rapport de situation, 31 mai 2022

Rapport de situation de la région de l'Extrême-Nord (1-30 avril). 700 nouvelles personnes deplacées internes enregistrées dans le département du Mayo-Tsanaga suite aux incursions repetées des groupes armés non-étatiques Une personne décédée et près de 2 000 personnes…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroon Situation Report, 31 May 2022

HIGHLIGHTS North-West and South West situation report (1-31 March 2022) The cholera outbreak in the South-West (SW) region continues to spread within the region with over 3,559 positive cases and 71 deaths as of 31 March (2.0 per…

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