Cash Working Group

5W Cash assistance

Activated in 2016, the Cash Working Group (CWG) in Cameroon brings together about 30 humanitarian organizations that regularly contribute to meetings and exchanges. Under the leadership of the World Food Programme and supported by the CashCap (NorCap-NRC) advisor since October 2022, the CWG is composed of one national platform and four regional groups covering the East, Far North, North-West and South-West regions.

Three Technical Working Groups (TWG) focus on the following themes: 1. Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) and the calculation of the Transfer Value for Multipurpose Cash Assistance; 2. The linkage between Social Protection and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA); and 3. Market monitoring. These TWG fall respectively under the leaderships of WFP, UNICEF. Non-Programmatic themes such as Advocacy, Information management, Risk analysis and mitigation measures are featured in the 2022-23 strategy of the CWG as key areas and are worked on continuously.

In terms of successes in 2022, the CWG reports a well-structured group with engagement from national and international humanitarian actors and Government counterparts. Furthermore, the MEB and the calculation of the transfer value for Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) were finalized. Focus and resources have been dedicated to capacity building. Between February and November 2022, the CWG in Cameroon, in coordination with the Cashcap advisor, NRC and WFP, organized four sessions of five-day CaLP-accredited "Basic Cash Transfer Skills for Program Staff" trainings that enabled 72 people to learn or strengthen their skills and receive certification. During this process, two national CaLP trainers were certified.

Positive results in terms of acceptance of the CVA by the Government were made possible by an active advocacy campaign, which included the participation, on a pro bono basis,  of 11 Government representatives in the five-days CaLP trainings. This contributed to both introducing Government counterparts to the CVA modality and creating a community of practice for national and international NGO’s and Governments counterparts, including social protection actors. These trainings also significantly contributed to an increase in the acceptance of cash as a response modality by local authorities. Furthermore, the inclusion of national stakeholders in the activities of the CWG contributed to the Localization agenda.  Challenges remain, with Information Management being a critical gap of the CWG that will be addressed in 2023.

In 2023, the CWG of Cameroun will also continue the works initiated in 2022 and - over an 18-month period – will align itself with the new global coordination model for CVA.

Joint market monitoring

Under development

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Latest Meeting Minutes

ReliefWeb results


Minutes of the Monthly National Cash Working Group Meeting, Yaounde, Cameroun (23 March 2022) [Meeting Minutes]

AGENDA I. Review of Minutes of Meeting (MoM) February meeting II. Two days CVA technical & Strategic workshop III. Update from TWG -MEB & Transfer Value -Market Monitoring -Linkage of CVA & Social protection IV. Coordination & Governance V. Capacity reinforcement & building VI. Information…

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