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Cabo Verde

Cape Verde: Multilateral contribution, 11 Dec 2009

"The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Directorate General for Cooperation and Development has contributed with a financial amount of 43000 euros to IFRC in response to the epidemic of Dengue in Cape Verde, following of the International…

News and Press Release
Govt. Italy
11 Dec 2009

Cabo Verde + 6 more

CERF Newsletter Dec 2009

CENTRAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUND PLEDGES: MOST SUCCESSFUL TO DATE At the 8-9 December high-level United Nations conference convened in support of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), donors pledged generous contributions totaling $424 million for 2010. The figure marks an…

News and Press Release
10 Dec 2009

Cabo Verde + 10 more

Africa weekly emergency situation update Vol. 2, No. 45

General Context The latest update from the UNHCR reported about 112,000 displaced people who fled from the conflict in Dongo, North East DRC in the province of Equateur, 74,000 of these displaced people are in Congo. The Political situation in…

Cabo Verde

AECID y Farmamundi se unen contra el dengue en Cabo Verde

Farmamundi suministra a la AECID medicamentos y material sanitario para controlar el dengue en Cabo Verde: salen desde la sede central en Valencia cinco de las seis expediciones que esta semana llevarán al país 25 toneladas de ayuda humanitaria…

News and Press Release
2 Dec 2009

Cabo Verde + 10 more

Africa weekly emergency situation update Vol. 2, No. 43-44

General Context The crisis in DRC has been aggravated in the past weeks by ethnic clashes in the northern Equateur province which have led to the displacement of more than 80,000 people, more than half of them in the neighbouring…

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