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Burundian YouTube child star's death spotlights malaria epidemic

Malaria, spread when female mosquitoes bite humans, kills almost half a million people each year, with 90% of deaths in Africa By Nita Bhalla NAIROBI, Aug 13 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The death of a six-year-old YouTube star…

News and Press Release
Thomson Reuters Foundation
14 Aug 2019

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi launches Ebola vaccination campaign for health and front-line workers

Bujumbura, 14 August 2019 – On 13th August, the Ministry of Public Health and AIDS Control kicked off the vaccination campaign for front-line staff against the Ebola virus disease. The campaign started at the Gatumba entry…

News and Press Release
14 Aug 2019

Burundi + 2 more

Burundi: Rapport de situation - 31 juillet 2019

FAITS SAILLANTS La promotion de l'hygiène, pratiques WaSH sûres et désinfection des ménages affectés : Essentiel pour la prévention du choléra La communauté locale joue un rôle crucial dans la lutte contre la Maladie à virus Ebola (MVE) Journée…

Burundi + 1 more

WFP Burundi Country Brief, June 2019

In Numbers 2,123 mt of food assistance distributed USD 14.3 m for six months (July-December 2019) net funding requirements 668,100 people assisted in June 2019 Operational Updates • Voluntary repatriation: In June, WFP provided food assistance to approximately 3,900 Burundian refugees…

Burundi + 2 more

Burundi Situation Report, 30 Jul 2019

HIGHLIGHTS Hygiene promotion, safe WaSH practices and disinfecting affected households: key for cholera prevention Local Communities are crucial in fighting Ebola World Humanitarian Day 2019 - Heroine #1: Christine Ntahe, ‘Maman Dimanche’ WFP: Helping pregnant women and nursing mothers in…


Mwaro : 600 Caprins Distribués Aux Plus Vulnérables Par La Croix-Rouge Du Burundi

La Branche Croix-Rouge de Mwaro a procédé ce jeudi 11 juillet 2019, à la distribution de 600 chèvres aux mères des enfants réhabilités dans des foyers d’apprentissages et de réhabilitation nutritionnelle. Cette action a été menée…

News and Press Release
Croix-Rouge du Burundi
16 Jul 2019

Burundi + 1 more

Communities and coordination are crucial in fighting Ebola

Cibitoke, Burundi - 3 July 2019 -- Close to the border with the Ebola-hit Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), over 100 volunteer health workers are busily planning surveillance actions to detect potential Ebola cases and defend…

News and Press Release
5 Jul 2019

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi: Rapport de situation - 4 juil. 2019

FAITS SAILLANTS La tendance à la baisse des déplacements internes se poursuit en 2019, mais les catastrophes naturelles demeurent un risque. Le HCR commémore la Journée mondiale du réfugié 2019 Cérémonie sur la préparation de la riposte contre la…

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