
ReliefWeb results


Burundi - Rapport De Déplacement (Septembre 2020)

La DTM a identifié 127 832 Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) et 27 615 ménages PDI au cours du mois de septembre 2020. Parmi ces personnes, 83 pour cent ont été déplacées suite à une catastrophe naturelle,…


Burundi - Displacement Report (September 2020)

The DTM has identified 127,832 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 27,615 households in the month of September 2020. Of those, 83 per cent were displaced due to natural disaster while 17 per cent were displaced due…


Burundi : IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix | DTM, March 2020

In January 2020, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) recorded 112,522 internally displaced people (IDP) and 24,788 displaced households. Of these displacements, 79 per cent were displaced due to natural disasters while 21 per cent were displaced…


Burundi - Displacement Report (January 2019)

DTM Methodology The IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix is a comprehensive system to analyze and disseminate information to better understand the movements and needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Burundi. Volunteers from the Burundian Red Cross (BRC) consult…


Burundi - Displacement Report (November 2018)

DTM Methodology The IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix is a comprehensive system to analyze and disseminate information to better understand the movements and needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Burundi. Volunteers from the Burundian Red Cross (BRC) consult…


Burundi — Rapport De Déplacement (Novembre 2018)

La Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements de l’OIM est un système mis en œuvre dans le but de capturer, analyser et disséminer des informations pour mieux comprendre les mouvements et les besoins des personnes déplacées internes…

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