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Burundi + 9 more

Gender responsive disaster risk management: An analysis of gender integration in national and regional disaster risk management frameworks in Eastern and Southern Africa

This report provides an overview of the findings by UNICEF and the IFRC's study to explore the extent of integration of gender considerations, including gender-based violence (GBV) risk mitigation, prevention and response considerations, in national and…

Burundi + 4 more

Burundi Regional Refugee Response Plan, 2021 Mid Year Report

REGIONAL SITUATION OVERVIEW As of 30 June 2021, some 276,000 Burundian refugees were hosted in the four main asylum countries, with 43,200 refugees in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 49,000 in Rwanda,133,000 in Tanzania and 51,000…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
13 Oct 2021

Burundi + 4 more

Burundi Regional Refugee Response Plan, 2020 Year End Report

REGIONAL SITUATION OVERVIEW As of 31 December 2020, a total of 312,615 Burundian refugees were hosted in the four main asylum countries, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. The 2020 Burundi Regional Refugee…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
13 Aug 2021

Burundi + 2 more

IOM Burundi Mission Aperçu 2021

CONTEXTE Le Burundi est confronté à une situation socio-économique aaiblie, exacerbée par les eets dévastateurs des catastrophes naturelles et de la pandémie de la COVID-19. Le pays fait partie des 20 pays les plus vulnérables au changement…


IOM Burundi Mission Overview 2021

CONTEXT Burundi is facing a weakening socio-economic situation exacerbated by the devastating eects of natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. It is among the world’s 20 most vulnerable countries to climate change, with over 80 per cent…


World Bank boosts Burundi health system in the context of COVID-19

WASHINGTON, April 22, 2021 - The World Bank Group approved today additional financing of $54.6 million for the Health System Support Project (“KIRA”). Like the parent project, this additional financing from the International Development Association (IDA)*…

News and Press Release
World Bank
26 Apr 2021

Burundi + 3 more

Burundi: Plan de réponse humanitaire 2021 (mars 2021)

Avant-propos du Coordonnateur Résident En 2021, les partenaires humanitaires estiment que 2,3 millions de personnes auront besoin d’une aide humanitaire au Burundi. Parmi elles, 1,06 million de personnes extrêmement vulnérables seront ciblées par les acteurs humanitaires pour…

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