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UNICEF Burundi Humanitarian Situation Report – 30 January 2016

Highlights In an end of year radio broadcast, the Government announced its austerity budget for 2016, which forecasts significant cuts to the health, education and social affairs sector budgets, suggesting increasing difficulties in providing basic social services…

Burundi + 4 more

Humanitarian Action for Children 2016 - Burundian refugees

Total affected population: 280,000 Total affected children (under 18): 151,200 Total people to be reached in 2016: 165,120 Total children to be reached in 2016: 104,500 2016 programme targets Tanzania • 2,860 children under 5 years suffering from SAM admitted to therapeutic…

Burundi + 10 more

Humanitarian Action for Children 2016 - Eastern and Southern Africa

Regional Office 2016 Requirements: US$5,591,000 The Eastern and Southern Africa region continues to face multiple humanitarian crises, including cyclical drought and flooding, epidemics, cyclones, acute malnutrition, insecurity and conflict. The ongoing conflicts in Somalia and South Sudan…


Humanitarian Action for Children 2016 - Burundi

Total affected population: 500,000 Total affected children (under 18): 250,000 Total people to be reached in 2016: 400,000 Total children to be reached in 2016: 200,000 2016 programme targets Nutrition 48,500 children under 5 years with SAM benefitted from therapeutic feeding programmes Health 46,000 children under…


School pregnancies drop in Burundi

Burundi – “Rejected by our families and at risk of life-threatening complications during pregnancy and childbirth, without the means to raise our children and often forced into marriage to survive, we teenage mothers live real nightmares.” These…

News and Press Release
19 Jan 2016

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